
Posts Tagged ‘fresh’

Ten Simple Stress Buster Tips and Ideas

Stress is your body’s way of responding to any kind of demand. It can be caused by both good and bad experiences. Stress also can come from the demands of your work, home, relationships & others. If we don’t learn how to handle stress it can make us sick, irritable and not fun to be with. You might not even want to be with yourself either!

Seriously, life is too short as I always say. So here are tips to help you. Remember, knowledge is ONLY power, if it leads you to take action.

Here are my Ten Tips & Ideas to help to at least limit stress in your life.

1. This is the most effective and yet most under used. When facing or about to face stressful situations, remember to “breathe.” Relax and take deep breaths… it helps calm your mind and the muscles in your body. It lowers your blood pressure…. makes it easier to smile to yourself and others. It’s harder to frown 🙂

Think of happy thoughts. How many times have we heard that phrase when we were young? We tell kids when they are sad or scared about something to think of HAPPY THOUGHTS.  But we too as adults should think HAPPY THOUGHTS!


It’s true! If you think often of annoying or frustrating thoughts or people, your life will be filled with them. I am not saying to ignore your problems. But instead of focusing your energy on it, focus on what you can learn from it, what can help you positively move on & forward. Someone said, “whoever angers you, conquers you.”Try to be more curious than judgmental.
Take minute breaks during the day to get some fresh air, look at the heavens, smell the flowers, think about what’s beautiful in your life & your blessings.

Get a new hobby that excites you. Go to a class maybe about cooking or whatever interests you. 

5. Pamper yourself from time to time like going to the spa for a facial or a massage. A new hairstyle maybe.

6. Get into a fitness routine. That lowers your stress level & makes you more alert and alive. 
7. Read a new book. Make a journal about yourself. Sing Karaoke at home. Being out of tune is okay. Just have fun with it. Maybe try a new recipe. 
8. Go to the park. Have a picnic. Play your favorite sport.
9. Drink one glass or red wine at night. Your heart will love you for it. Listen to your favorite music and just close your eyes.

10. Whatever your career or vocation is make sure that you set goals for yourself if you have not already. If you have review them often. Set goals that are not just based on money but that are meaningful to you. That makes you excited & makes you alive.

Stress can be good. But not if we allow stress to control us. We need a bit of stress in our life. That is what drives human behavior and keeps us going and strive for something.

Yes achieve for excellence. But also create “balance” in your life. Make sure you just don’t take care of the outside of you but also the inside of you. Feed your mind with good, healthy and beautiful things. And you will see the world in a much more good, healthy and beautiful way …

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